Graduation filming made easy… has over 10 years experience in delivering high quality services for graduation ceremonies.
We have a reputation for providing a professional, reliable, dynamic service. has over 10 years experience in delivering high quality services for graduation ceremonies.
We have a reputation for providing a professional, reliable, dynamic service.
With a eVideo, your video is personalised and stars only you; no need to watch everybody else graduate. Sent directly to your inbox, your personalised eVideo is ideal for social networks, and sharing with family and friends via email.
Perfect for ,
and other online uses.
We pride ourselves on quality and professionalism and at the same time seek to enterprise and innovate.
We offer a great many benefits to Universities, that on top of capturing the ceremonies, help in it’s promotion, reputation and ultimately, success.
Your graduation ceremony is the chance to celebrate your successes and achievements with family and friends.
Our DVDs and gifts provide the perfect memory of your big day, so before embarking on the ups and downs of your working life, make sure that the memory stays fresh forever with your own graduation DVD.
Highly recommended! I am very pleased to endorse My Graduation Film. Extremely professional and innovative, coming up with great new ideas to improve the student experience of graduation. The staff were helpful, courteous, cheerful and a pleasure to work with.
Grace Roberts
Sheffield Hallam University